WA PLT Graduate
Alex Mould
I researched the PLT courses offered in WA and I chose the Leo Cussen WA PLT because it had a higher number of contact days than other PLTs, and I wanted to be able to run my own files during the course.
I really appreciated having a dedicated mentor who gave me ongoing helpful feedback which facilitated my learning much more than any other teaching I have experienced. The practical hands-on aspect of the course, by running several different files, gave me an understanding of what it is like to be a lawyer. The day to day file work – from taking instructions, preparing a retainer and costs agreement, setting up trust and office ledgers, billing clients – was a really solid learning experience.
The file work itself was very realistic – I especially enjoyed the family law file even though it was definitely a lot of work. The requirement to be thorough in preparing advice and drafting documents such as pleadings and affidavits was a real benefit for me going forward, and I have gained a lot of confidence. I really recommend the Leo Cussen WA PLT to graduates who are seeking an in-depth well-rounded practical course that steers away from the university academic learning model. It is a perfect bridge between study and legal practice and I am currently enjoying using those skills I developed with Leo Cussen in my work in a challenging government legal environment during my placement.

More WA Graduate Testimonials
Nicole Farrar
Murdoch University
The Leo Cussen course provides one-on-one mentoring and I was given the best Mentor a student could ask for. I received personalised and constructive feedback from my Mentor for each piece of work I submitted for assessment. I could track how my skills were developing and improving and I felt my competence grow.
Jackson Thurtle
Edith Cowan University
What stood out for me is the excellent advocacy training. The guest instructors and assessors, who are all senior advocates, gave me personal feedback on my performances in a number of different scenarios - this was invaluable in assisting me to develop my practical advocacy skills.
Alex Mould
University of Western Australia
The practical hands-on aspect of the course, by running several different files, gave me an understanding of what it is like to be a lawyer. The day to day file work – from taking instructions, preparing a retainer and costs agreement, setting up trust and office ledgers, billing clients - was a really solid learning experience.
Ben Williams
Murdoch University
As a paralegal at a Perth CDB law firm, it was important for me to be able to find a PLT that would allow me to maintain my work performance whilst completing the PLT in the shortest possible time. I selected the WA Leo Cussen PLT 20 week course because it met those criteria and it did not disappoint. The PLT workload was a really good mix for me, it was manageable with my 4 days per week part-time workload.
Kerry Anne Eral
Murdoch University
The Leo team was very supportive, much more so than I expected. Whenever I had a question or needed feedback, my allocated mentor or the other pool of Leo mentors/staff supporting the WA PLT was always there to lend a hand. They were very friendly and knowledgeable, and importantly to me promptly responded with their support...